Steam bath & steam shower

A blessing for both body and soul: The wonderfully relaxing bath in the hot steam increases well-being and health in equal measure. Be inspired by our wide variety of uniquely beautiful steam bath and steam shower models - and choose your personal favourite! 

Steam bath
Customised steam bath
Customised steam bath
Steam bath
MATTEO THUN steam bath
MATTEO THUN steam bath
Steam bath
D6 steam bath
D6 steam bath
Steam bath
D12 steam bath
D12 steam bath
Steam bath, Onsen bath
D12 Vario onsen bath
D12 Vario onsen bath
Steam bath
QUADRANO steam bath
QUADRANO steam bath
Steam bath
HOMBRE steam bath
HOMBRE steam bath
Steam shower
Steam showers
Steam showers
KLAFS Catalogue
... and the world can wait. Immerse yourself in some time-out with reading and relaxation. The KLAFS catalogue has 117 pages dedicated to the sauna lifestyle. Factsheets on every single KLAFS product await you between interesting stories.
Order our catalogue free of charge to your home and start your journey to your own dream sauna with precious time-out from hectic everyday life.
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The steam bath

Steam bathing is a long-established practice. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans appreciated the steam bath as a healthy and pleasant pastime. It is similar in effect to the sauna, but at 43°- 46°C, it is not as hot. With 100% humidity, it is much more humid than the classic Finnish sauna. Steam bathing is healthy and ideal for relaxation. The hot steam is especially beneficial for respiratory diseases and rheumatic complaints. Low spirits and bad moods evaporate. You feel completely refreshed and fit. Aroma fragrances spread throughout the room with the gentle steam and support the healing effects and positive mood of the steam bath. Those who value healthy skin will also appreciate the moist warmth of the steam bath. The pores are opened, skin flakes are shed, and impurities disappear. The moist heat promotes blood circulation, cleanses and revitalizes the skin. In short, the skin becomes soft, clean and velvet-smooth.