The centuries-old sweat bath is beneficial to both the body and soul. Regular saunas arm the body against various stressors. Today, more and more people are choosing to install a sauna at home. Find out more about what going to the sauna can do to benefit your health.
Regular sauna bathing is a very good workout for the immune system. It helps during the cold and pollen season.
Healthy extras
Multiple scientific studies have noted the positive effects of dry salt. The thorough cleaning of the airways down to the finest alveoli is just one benefit for your health. Dry salt inhalation is making its way into private households with the SaltProX.
Help against high blood pressure
Hot and dry or mild and humid - your personal feel-good climate decides. Bathing in the SANARIUM® has a positive effect on health in several ways. Besides the blood pressure-lowering effect, for example, the cardiovascular system is trained.