Active and relaxation room

This fits perfectly: An active and relaxation room is the ideal complement to the sauna or steam bath. With products that are beautiful, relaxing and healthy as well as keeping you fit from KLAFS, this definitely becomes a coherent overall package. Convince yourself!

SWAY pendulum lounger
SWAY pendulum lounger
sunlit meadow SONNENWIESE®
sunlit meadow SONNENWIESE<sup>®</sup>
KLAFS Catalogue
... and the world can wait. Immerse yourself in some time-out with reading and relaxation. The KLAFS catalogue has 117 pages dedicated to the sauna lifestyle. Factsheets on every single KLAFS product await you between interesting stories.
Order our catalogue free of charge to your home and start your journey to your own dream sauna with precious time-out from hectic everyday life.
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The active and relaxation room

The relaxation area and fitness room in your private wellness oasis should serve for rest and relaxation after visiting the sauna, steam bath and infrared cabin. They should therefore also make the space cozy and harmonise with your needs. Dimmed light, a pleasant color scheme and, if desired, the right calm music - and you are already a good deal closer to your relaxation. Relaxation products such as relaxation loungers, warming loungers, the sunlit meadow SONNENWIESE®, foot tubs and foot warming pools find their place here alongside fitness equipment.