Like a high-quality piece of furniture
Open kitchen, open living and dining area, large floor-to-ceiling glass areas for uninterrupted views over the city's rooftops - and only a few minutes' walk to the center: With their penthouse apartment, Reni and Joachim Jung have fulfilled their dream of living in loft style in the middle of the city. How good that, thanks to the S1 from KLAFS, there is now a sauna that fits exactly with this modern form of living.
Actually, Reni and Joachim Jung were satisfied with their house at the gates of the city. But when they learn by chance that an apartment building with modern loft-style city apartments was being built in a vacant lot in a prime location on a hill directly adjacent to the center of their hometown, they immediately got excited.
"My husband and I, we both have busy careers and travel a lot. That's why we like to spend our little free time together in the city, for example meeting good friends for dinner. And of course we were immediately fascinated by this unique location and the prospect of being able to reach our favorite places on foot in just a few minutes in the future," recalls Reni Jung.
The decision is quickly made: Reni and Joachim Jung sell their house - and secure the penthouse apartment, the prime piece of the apartment building with a large roof terrace and a fantastic view over the roofs of the city. Great views in the truest sense of the word, as this proximity to the city means a significant increase in their quality of life.
The only downer: In order to be able to relax at home at any time from their hectic workday and recharge their batteries, the couple had a small but fine sauna installed in their home a few years ago by KLAFS, the market leader in the sauna, pool and spa sector. "And of course, we didn't want to miss out on these beautiful, relaxing hours in the sauna," reports Joachim Jung.
That's why the couple is immediately thrilled when KLAFS informs them in a customer newsletter about the company's latest idea: The space-saving S1 sauna, which can be retracted to cabinet size at the touch of a button in just about 20 seconds. And with its clear, cubic design, it also fits in perfectly with Reni and Joachim Jung's interior design style.
Not only the idea itself, but above all the design immediately excited us. The S1 really looks like a high-quality piece of furniture.
The design is a very important aspect for the couple. Finally, they have thought of an unusual place for their S1: The cabin in size large (2.02 meters wide) is located in a corner in the open living and dining area, directly adjacent to the open kitchen and dining table. "That's why we not only took the S1 in the color white, so that it integrates quite harmoniously and unobtrusively, but also chose the mirror front. This way, no one on the outside can see what's hidden on the inside," they say happily.
And this plan has worked out perfectly. "Many of our acquaintances who have seen an S1 at our house for the first time are totally amazed that it is a full-fledged sauna," Reni Jung reports with a laugh. The surprise effect is perfect when she also demonstrates the folding bench. "We were surprised ourselves at how generous the reclining surface turns out to be despite the S1's compact dimensions," the couple said in unison about their practical experience.
So has the spontaneous enthusiasm for this completely new sauna concept now, after the purchase and the experience in practice, turned into satisfaction? "Absolutely - it's just the right product for open floor plans like this. An ingenious idea that has been perfectly implemented both visually and technically," they both sum up with satisfaction.
It is just the right product for open floor plans. An ingenious idea, which is implemented visually and technically perfect.